Are you being called to Youth Dynamics? About Open Positions Youth Dynamics is seeking full- and part-time staff to help fulfill the mission of Youth Dynamics in all our community locations. Here is a list of our current locations. If you feel called to join one of our existing teams, please click on the apply…
Casey Gibson Staff, Wenatchee Valley About Casey Gibson Having grown up in a small town just outside of Yosemite National Park, I developed a deep love for the outdoors at a young age. When I gave my life to Jesus in high school, I quickly recognized that the spaces I felt His presence most deeply…
Chris McCormick Area Director, Wenatchee Valley About Chris McCormick Michelle and I moved to Washington in 2013 from California. I have been in student ministry in the church setting for over 30 years. My passion for outdoor adventure and love for students was a perfect fit as he join the Youth Dynamics team in 2017. …