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Shawna Sloane

Area Staff, Moses Lake

About Shawna Sloane


I grew up in a secular home and faced challenges early in life. When I was 12, my parents divorced and later remarried. During my late teenage years, I lost my place at the college I had been accepted to, which sent me into a deep depression and ultimately led to drug abuse. For a year and a half, I struggled in that darkness—until God placed people in my life who shared the love of Jesus with me. I began attending church regularly and surrendered my life to Christ on January 27, 2007. That same year, I married my husband, and God blessed us with twin boys, followed by another son the next year.

In the winter of 2010, my husband and I embarked on a two-week mission trip to Nicaragua, where we helped build a church and worked with local youth. Later that year, we moved our family to Vancouver, WA, so I could attend Le Cordon Bleu in Portland, Oregon. During that time, we welcomed our daughter, Leila. After earning my associate’s degree, we relocated to Harstine Island, where I managed a small specialty bakery in Shelton and worked part-time as a cake decorator for Tortes and Tarts. By the fall of 2012, we returned to Moses Lake.

Back in Moses Lake, I started my own home-based baking business, Risen Indeed Cakes and Pastries, which allowed us to homeschool our children. We also rejoined our home church, where my husband and I began teaching the Kindergarten Sunday School class. For five years, we served in children’s ministry and Vacation Bible School. Then, in 2017, I felt called to volunteer with our church’s youth group. Through this ministry, I joined students on trips, helped with outreach, and built deep relationships while leading a small group.

In 2021, our youth group’s adult volunteers were invited to visit Moses Lake Youth Dynamics. I had never been there before, but that visit opened my eyes to the profound need Youth Dynamics was meeting in our community. In 2022, I began volunteering with them, and over time, I built meaningful connections with the teens, traveled with them on trips and conferences, and even had the opportunity to share my testimony at TLC. My own past struggles allowed me to relate to students who had yet to encounter Christ. After that trip, a few students asked to learn more about Jesus—and eventually, they began attending church with my family.

On our most recent trip, I felt God prompting me to take a bigger step—to apply with Youth Dynamics. What greater mission is there than reaching the lost youth of our community, our next generation? I can see God moving through this ministry, and I want to be part of that work.

Contact Info

(509) 855-5594
