About Maria Kavalski
Why I love to share Jesus:
I love to be able to share Jesus because He has become an important part of my life since I started high school. He continues to guide me along this journey of being in a constant relationship through all the ups and downs. Yes, there have been times I’ve been angry, bitter, or hesitant towards God. But through those moments in life, He has slowly been working in my heart to fully process those emotions and thoughts by reminding me of His love, mercy, gentliness, creation, and peace. He does this through fellow believers, His Word, or just resting in His presence away from all the distraction in the world.
It is because of what Jesus is doing in my life that I desire to share it to all those that God has placed before me, kids, teens, peers, or people much older then I am. One of the ways I share my love of Jesus towards others is through the gift He has given me of cooking a warm meal to gather around and enjoy being in each others presence.
How I came to work with Youth Dynamics:
I was first called into action with Youth Dynamics as Food coordinator at Stonewater Ranch in January of 2017. A Youth Dynamics staff member came to my church to give an update of what’s been going on and shared about specific needs at Stonewater. One of the needs was someone to take on the task of food coordinator at the site.
At the time, I said in my head ‘That would be cool and something I’d enjoy. But I’d have to pass cause I’m already heavily involved with my youth group as a leader. And maybe someone else could do the job instead of me.’
After church service, two gals who knew me well came up to me (at separate times) and said I thought of me to fill that need. So after praying to God and talking it over with a few close friends, I decided to reach out and see where it would lead me.
That summer I was invited to volunteer for a couple of weeks to cook on an adventure trip. That fall, the Director offered me the position of Food Coordinator as I had been volunteering all of my free time into the program.
As the saying goes, I was hooked on the ministry—God cast the line (or the call) in my heart, then He allowed me to sink into the work he has placed before me as Food Coordinator at Stonewater Ranch.
Now after two years of volunteering, God has placed on my heart to come on staff full time with Youth Dynamic at Stonewater Ranch.
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