Paul Spence

Paul Spence

Vice President of Adventures

About Paul Spence

“And Don’t Get Wet” were the last words I would hear daily as the screen door was slamming behind me. As a kid in the summer, I was headed into the woods, exploring for critters or more than often following a stream to find its headwaters, hence my mother’s parting words. Impossible, Lewis and Clark or Davey Crocket never worried about getting wet. I would go all day, dying to know what was around the next bend in the creek, knowing that Nirvana would eventually be found. The sun would set, and I would start running home to avoid getting in trouble. That usually didn’t work out too well for me.

Eighteen thousand river miles later, I guess you could say I am still doing the same thing and loving it. But now I am sharing those experiences with others while sharing my love for the Lord and His Creation. I love having adventures with others and hearing their stories come alive with a mountain or a river canyon as the backdrop. I am truly a rich man to have been able to work in adventure-based youth ministry for 35 years. I love Youth Dynamics and the opportunities it gives me to share with youth in some of the most beautiful places in the Northwest.

As a 6th grader, I was able to visit the Grand Canyon for a half-hour, don’t ask why, and I cried when we left. That was the moment the Lord started wooing me into what I am doing now. I went through a juvenile delinquency stage and found Christ in high school. I married the love of my life, Faye, after college, and we came on staff with Youth Dynamics in 1988. Forty-five years after my Grand Canyon experience, I am the Vice President of Youth Dynamics Adventures. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

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