Youth Dynamics’ founder, Paul Evans, (Nov. 13, 1946 – Aug. 30, 2019), has passed away. Paul and Connie, his wife of over 50 years, founded Youth Dynamics in 1970. He served as the President from 1970 until 2000.

Youth Dynamics started from two passions that burned deep in Paul’s soul. One, his love for Jesus Christ, and two, the immense need he saw for a ministry to rural teens. Paul and Connie sensed God was leading them into full-time Great Commission work with young people in Anacortes, WA, so they asked God to provide $200 to begin this new work. Three days later a check for $200 arrived. God answered through a person who mailed that check who knew nothing of their prayer or desire to start a youth ministry.

Little did Paul realize that this was just the beginning of a ministry that would expand throughout the Northwest.

Paul Evans

Paul Evans
Founder, Youth Dynamics

Paul Connie 2008

Paul & Connie Evans

Reflecting on Paul’s life, current YD President Tom Davis said, “It’s been one of the biggest honors of my life to build a relationship with Paul Evans. He is the reason why I said ‘yes’ to joining the organization. He and I would often meet to pray and talk ministry. To his dying day, Paul’s love for the ministry never waned. The impact he had on people is hard to quantify. No doubt, thousands of people have heard about Jesus Christ because of this humble, faithful, adventurous, and incredibly loving man. I am blessed to be a part of this ministry to which Paul gave so much.”

Today, preparing to celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2020, Youth Dynamics continues to serve youth throughout the Northwest through campus outreach and adventure-based ministry, serving over 5,000 young people annually.

Paul lives on through the countless number of lives he impacted and the ministry he started. Donations can be made to honor Paul through a memorial fund designated to the ministry of Anacortes Youth Dynamics and the facility that has been serving kids there since 1974. Please send memorial gifts to Youth Dynamics, P.O. Box 486. Burlington, WA, 98233.

In Paul's words

Life Insurance


High School


Remembering YD's Founder Paul Evans

“I became the first teenager Paul ever led to the Lord. That decision changed everything. My relationship with Paul changed from him being my youth leader to him becoming a peer and good friend, and co-traveler in pursuing a life with Jesus. There are many, many stories that could be told, and many experiences we shared, but the bottom line is that it all started with Paul, the night he gave me a ride home, and God has used Paul in my life ever since. I will miss Paul, but I am very grateful that he is finding peace and rest.”

— Jim Foss

“The thing that stands out in my mind the most about Paul is that he always had time for me. Even when I was a new area staff person, I could call him and he would meet with me or take me to lunch. I could have the kings ear for an hour if I really needed it and I felt valued and cared for. Paul’s passion and love for the Gospel never faded. That man loved him some fishing and crabbing!”

— Paul Spence

“Paul Evans has impacted my life because he had a special vision for youth ministry. Because of that vision, YD was started and it has been the perfect fit for me to exercise the call of youth ministry on my life. I would have to ask, ‘Where would I be without YD?’ I don’t know. So thankful for Paul’s courage to start Youth Dynamics.”

— Shane Land

“My wife and I came on staff a few years before the end of Paul’s time as President of YD. It felt unique as new staff to have such open access to the founder and President even after almost 30 years of ministry. It was obvious how much he cared for his staff. It was always encouraging when he would share at retreats or staff functions and we could experience the long history and passion we were connected to. I’ve been with Youth Dynamics for 21 years now and that history and legacy of passion still continues today.”

– Rick D’Atre

“Like many of you I’d call Paul Evans a dear friend. It’s hard to think of an area of my life not touched in some way by Paul’s influence. Having worked alongside Paul in one capacity or another for over a quarter of a century and having him in my life since my mid-20’s, there are countless scenes in which his countenance, smile, words, challenges and overall impact has been deeply felt. His presence in my life will be sorely missed.”

— Steve Merritt

“My dad and Paul were friends so I grew up knowing Paul and the entire Evans family. I grew up with Youth Dynamics and would often drop by the YD house after school. I went on my first rafting trip with my dad and Paul when I was just 9. I started attending YD meetings and events when I entered middle school and continued to do so through all of my high school years as well. YD was such a big part of my life and still is. I have many memories of rafting with Paul, hanging out with his family and working with him on several building projects. The overlying memories I have of Paul are of his exuberance for Christ and his insatiable passion for sharing Him with young people. This was evident right up his last days as he expressed his excitement for work being done with young people throughout YD. Paul made a lasting impact on this town and I count myself fortunate to have known him and able to call him a friend.”

– Seth Kiser