About Casey Gibson
Having grown up in a small town just outside of Yosemite National Park, I developed a deep love for the outdoors at a young age. When I gave my life to Jesus in high school, I quickly recognized that the spaces I felt His presence most deeply were through the outdoors. Since then, I have grown my passion to invite others into the outdoors and into a space that I most deeply encounter God’s love and care for me. I find myself continually drawn to the wilderness and adventures based ministry.
There is always something new to experience, and in the wilderness, there is much mystery and wonder to be discovered. I think that aspect of newness, mystery, and wonder that comes from the wilderness are also qualities that our God entails. There is always a mystery to Him, a newness to be experienced, and a continual sense of awe and wonder toward Him. That is why I love Youth Dynamics! In the wilderness and through adventure, there is no better place to share life and Jesus with others.
For every awesome thing in creation is designed to point us to the one who alone is worthy of capturing and controlling the awe of our hearts. It is a joy to be a part of the ministry of Youth Dynamics and to encourage youth to discover a life in Christ!
Contact Info
(360) 770-5308