Some of my earliest memories are the ones created in the outdoors, the fresh air, the sights and sounds of nature, solitude, discovery, shared experiences with family and friends. The squeaky sounds of cold snow under foot, the warmth of the sun, and the calming ripple sounds of a stream over the rocks and its awesome power as it gathers downstream.
Yet life, with all of its wonders and beauty, would be such an empty adventure if I had not been introduced to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Jesus said “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full”. So, now to draw the attention of others to our Lord by sharing time in His creation, being challenged by the discomforts of Relational Adventure Ministry, and learning that our weakness is an advantage, as we depend more on Him. For me there is not a more worthy journey.
Dave is a vital part of this ministry in many ways. Some of his roles include being the organizational Risk Manager, and being the Director of our Oregon Adventure Base. Dave is a Senior Rock Guide, Senior River Guide, and Challenge Course facilitator, with advanced certifications as a Swift Water Rescue Technician (Rescue 3), Wilderness First Aid and CPR Instructor (ASHI), Wilderness First Responder (NOLS), and Top Rope Site Manager (AMGA).
The river, along with the time he spends with his wife, Sarah, and their children is Dave’s happy place.