About Shane Land
One thing that became very clear to Shane when he started with Youth Dynamics was that there was not a lot of whitewater to experience growing up in Kansas. In fact, his first day of whitewater rafting was his first day of whitewater guide training with Youth Dynamics. He started as an intern in 2007. From 2008 to 2020, Shane served as one of the Staffing Managers and since 2010, he has been the River Manager for Washington Adventure base located at Stonewater. In that time, he has paddled just over 7,000 miles! He is enthusiastically committed to his formal title of Lead Raft Dance Facilitator since 2010. His current role at Stonewater is Adventure Manager.
Some things about Shane that are important to his story. He grew up in Kansas on a cattle ranch. He met Jesus for the first time through the great love of the people at a small country church, Grenola Christian Church. While nearly committing to a State University, he felt led to attend and later graduate from Ozark Christian College in Joplin, MO. There he met his wife, Kady, and felt the strong urge of God to pursue vocational youth ministry.
He continues to be drawn to wilderness and adventure-based youth ministry because of the newness and mystery of it. Mystery and wildness are essential to adventure. Our God is forever wild and mysterious. We cannot control or completely explain Him, and that is attractive! On our trips, we are in a position of trust because there are elements we cannot control, and it forces us to look to the One that controls everything.
A motto that has permeated the life of Shane the last 10 years is, “Give it some heat!” It is motivation to leave nothing behind, not walking away and giving up, in relationships and ministry going for it! Shane and Kady have been married since 2003 and have 2 children. Some things he enjoys: holding hands with his wife, parenting with her, playing legos and catch with Malachi, dancing with Elsy, Virgil’s Root Beer, sports of all kinds, rooting for the KSU Wildcats, and nice juicy burgers!
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