About Teliesha Batuik
I first felt called into youth ministry when I was about 13. I was in church with my mom and heard someone talk about a treatment center for at risk youth. At that moment I knew I wanted to help teens when I grew up. I majored in Social Work at Walla Walla University and spent every summer working at Christian summer camps. My time at camp only further grew my passion for working with teens in the outdoors.
In 2015, I moved out to Garden Valley, Idaho, to work as a therapist for the treatment center. Not long after, my supervisor connected me with Youth Dynamics (YD). I started volunteering with YD, and after a few years, I began to feel God leading me towards working with YD full-time. In the fall of 2019, I accepted a position with the Youth Dynamics Adventures located in Horseshoe Bend, Idaho. I am looking forward to continuing to help teens heal as they learn about a God who loves them more than words can describe!
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