About Kelly Shattuck
During registration as a freshman at the University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus, I met Eric who invited me to attend “an investigative Bible study on the life of Christ.” Hoping to meet some new girls at that study, I, instead, met the Lord Jesus Christ through my brother, Mike. The night after attending the Bible study. Mike shared the Bible verse, “All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory” (Rom. 3:23), and I knew that I would never be good enough to earn my way into Heaven and that I needed a Savior to get there! The Lord Jesus rescued me that evening!
Pursuing my new love for Jesus Christ took me from Hawaii to California where I met and married Linda, a California blonde, who joined me on adventures that took us to live in places like Washington state (Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island), San Jose, California, as well as 13 years in the former Soviet Bloc country of Slovakia. We also visited countries like the Republic of Georgia, Egypt, Israel, Latvia and many more. We have four children who are all now grown and we have 11 grandkids!
After 30+ years in full-time ministry to young people in the states and in foreign countries, we returned to the USA in 2009 to work for Apple, Inc for seven years and then Appliance Logic, repairing kitchen and laundry appliances.
In November 2019, The Lord blessed me with the opportunity to return to my third love as Youth Dynamics’ Regional Director for Communities in Idaho (Jesus is my first love, my wife is my second, and young people is my third).
I love Jesus Christ, His Word, and young people and I thoroughly enjoy coffee, dark chocolate, and “trying something new”.
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