
I am very excited that God has called you to serve on the staff of Youth Dynamics. It is an honor to partner with you in the critical work of our mission to invite and challenge youth to a lifelong adventure with Christ and His church. I hope you find your time on staff rewarding, life-giving, and fruitful. Let’s adventure together!

In His Grip,

Tom Davis, President

Tom Photo Website

How to use this site:

This site is designed to help you navigate your introduction to the ministry of Youth Dynamics. We are so excited to have you on board and want to make sure you have access to all you need as you begin your navigating into your ministry experience!

Please be certain to work down this full page, and we will walk you through a successful onboarding process!

We made this new hire training video to introduce you to some of the preliminary things you need to know and do in your first couple weeks after signing your PMB! At the bottom of this page is a list of resources you can refer to at your convenience. We will be constantly adding information to this site, so be sure to check back often. If you don’t see what you are looking for, please feel free to ask!

New Staff Paperwork

These forms have their own fillable online form (secure!). Please fill them each out:

These forms should be filled, downloaded, and submitted by mail or uploaded to our secure submission form:

  • Federal W-4
  • State W-4 (Oregon, Washington, Idaho)
  • Employment Eligibility (USCIS Form I-9)
    • Employees must complete and sign Section 1 of Form I-9 no later than the first day of employment but not before accepting a job offer.
    • We need to complete the employer part on your first paid day. Please help us keep this on our radar, as we don’t always know in advance when that will be if you don’t let us know (for example: if you start pulling a salary before your first day in your ministry position).

Although our upload options are secure, if you feel more comfortable with hard copies, you can mail all employment documents to the main office:

Youth Dynamics

Attn: HR

PO Box 486

Burlington, WA 98233

Additional forms…

Meet your team members!